Community & Business
26 February, 2025
Bigger than ever border gathering
Co-operation across the border

Mayor Melissa Hamilton and Mayor Brownwyn Petrie (see smaller photo) attended last week’s meeting of the Border Regionals Organisation of Councils, which sees a gathering of representatives from not just the Southern Downs and Tenterfield Shire, but also Gwydir, Inverell, Moree Plains, Walgett, Brewarrina, Goondiwindi, Balone, Bourke, Bulloo and Paroo Shires. Mayor Hamilton noted that it was the first meeting to include full representation of all the border councils, due to the timing of elections, and she welcomed two new female mayors to the group. The meetings usually involve updates from government departments on various issues that affect border councils and an opportunity for mayors to share information. The SDRC is the largest council in the group and Mayor Hamilton reported that council is progressing some joint initiatives on tourism which should extend visitor’s experience to western shires.